Goodchild Marine
Call 01493 782301
Marina Services & Facilities

We offer a vast array of services and facilities within our marina including a launching dock, winter storage, short repairs and maintenance.

We have extensive stores, workshops and a 40-tonne boat lift.

Boatyard Charges

All quoted prices plus VAT at prevailing Rate

Minimum charge for all services is 7.5 metres (25 feet) L.O.A.

Monohulled as per Price List Catamaran charges quoted at time of request.


Moorings per annum January 2025 – December 2025  £70.00 ft
Overnight moorings – per night From £25.00 per night


40 Tonne Marine Travel Hoist (Note – Maximum Beam 17ft/5.1metres)
Lift Out of water Steam Clean and either hard store or
load onto transport.
£12.00 ft
Launch (Per Lift) to and from yard £5.00 ft
Lift/Hold/Re-launch (maximum hold in slings 1 hour) £9.00 ft

NOTE; At all times the vessel keys must be made available and batteries fully charged, if vessel is not in a moveable order the hourly rate will be charged. If no lifting points establish and clearly marked you may at the manager’s discretion incur an extra lifting charge.


Vessels must be steam cleaned prior to storage

Up to 39’ per week £ 40.00
40’ to 49’ per week £ 50.00
50’ to 59’ per week £ 60.00
60’ to 69’ per week £ 70.00

Trailer storage is available only for a mooring vessel £250.00 per annum


Storage of mast on the rack £5.00 per week

Sloop and Ketch Rigged Vessel per Hour charge

The electronics need disconnecting so they can be unplugged at deck level.
We are happy to undertake works including removal and replacement of sails to enable removal of the mast.


Marina supplied cable (Refundable Deposit) £120.00
Electricity Facility and maintenance Charge per unit £0.60 including 5% VAT


Labour Charge from £60.00 /hour depending on skill level
All Call outs are min 4 Hour charge at labour rate plus travel cost at mileage rate


Clean battery, check levels and top up if required £10.00 per battery


Mileage rate – Per Mile £0.90 /mile


Waste Fluid Disposal (oil, fuel, waste water) £1.25 per ltr


Owners to provide your own ladder, access steps and platforms for carrying out works on your vessel.

We are the COMPLETE SERVICE CENTRE offering quality at fair prices,
a friendly atmosphere and helpful staff.
What more do you need?

Terms and Conditions
All prices exclusive of VAT Prices are subject to change without further notice.  All fees are calculated on L.O.A. of vessel including all davits, dinghies, pulpits and bowsprits, etc. rounded up to the nearest foot/metre (minimum 25ft/7.5m).  Terms of payment strictly 28 days net (subject to 2.5% surcharge per month for overdue accounts at the discretion of the management).  All outstanding invoices to be paid in full before removing vessels from our yard, unless prior agreement with the management.  Vehicles to be parked in the designated area only.  No responsibility will be taken for personal injury or vehicle damage whatsoever. Persons entering the yard area do so entirely at their own risk. Whilst we welcome owners to work on their boats stored ashore and afloat, under no circumstances are customers permitted access to our workshops or equipment.  Any work requiring facilities within the workshops must be reported to our main office and the work will be booked in as a yard job. Use of the steam cleaner and lifting equipment strictly to be by staff only, and it must be understood that the premises are a NO SMOKING AREA due to hazardous materials being stored. No outside sub-contractors shall be allowed to work from our premises or yard without prior consent from the management and necessary Liability Insurance.

All boat owners are requested to keep berths and storage areas clean and tidy at all times, not storing any items under or around the vessel whilst on the hard standing.  All residential berth holders are kindly asked to refrain from hanging laundry on or around their boats. Under no circumstances shall any sub-letting of berths be permitted. Goodchild Marine reserves the option to move or re-locate berths as deemed necessary from time to time.

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